• All are not friends that speak us fair - Друг спорит, а недруг поддакивает (Д)
• Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him - Нет друга, так ищи, а нашел, так береги (H)
• Faithful friend is better than gold (A) - Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей (H)
• False friends are worse than bitter (open) enemies - Друг до поры - тот же недруг (Д)
• Friend in power is a friend lost (A) - Залез в богатство, забыл и братство (3)
• Father is a treasure, brother is a comfort but a friend is both - Добрый друг лучше ста родственников (Д)
• Friend is best found in adversity (A) - Друзья познаются в беде (Д)
• Friend is easier lost than found (A) - Легче друга потерять, чем найти (Л)
• Friend is not so soon gotten as lost (А) - Легче друга потерять, чем найти (Л)
• Friends are thieves of time - Вор крадет деньги, а друг время (B)
• Friends are to be preferred to relatives - Добрый друг лучше ста родственников (Д)
• Friends tie their purses with a spider's web - Для милого дружка и сережка из ушка (Д)
• Friends tie their purse with a cobweb thread - Для милого дружка и сережка из ушка (Д)
• Friend to all is a friend to none (A) - Всем угодлив, так никому не пригодлив (B)
• Friend to everybody is a friend to nobody (A) - Всем угодлив, так никому не пригодлив (B)
• God defend (deliver) me from my friends, from my enemies I can (will) defend myself - Избави меня, Боже, от друзей, а с врагами я сам справлюсь (И)
• God protect me from my friends /; my enemies I know enough to watch/ - Избави меня, Боже, от друзей, а с врагами я сам справлюсь (И)
• Good friend is better than a hundred relatives (A) - Добрый друг лучше ста родственников (Д)
• Good friend is my nearest relation (A) - Добрый друг лучше ста родственников (Д)
• Good friend is worth more than a hundred relatives (A) - Добрый друг лучше ста родственников (Д)
• He is a good friend who speaks well of us behind our back - В глаза не льсти, а за глаза не брани (B)
• He is my friend who speaks well behind my back - В глаза не льсти, а за глаза не брани (B)
• He that ceases to be a friend, never was one - Друг до поры - тот же недруг (Д)
• He who has many friends has no friends - Друзей-то много, да друга нет (Д)
• He who would have friends must show himself friendly - Чужой обед похваляй, да и сам ворота открывай (4)
• I cannot be your friend and your flatterer - Друг спорит, а недруг поддакивает (Д)
• If he is your flatterer, he can't be your friend - Друг спорит, а недруг поддакивает (Д)
• If you want a friend, you will have to be one - Хочешь дружбы - будь другом (X)
• Injured friend is the bitterest of foes (An) - Замиренный друг ненадежен (3)
• In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; in time of adversity not one amongst (in) twenty - В радости сыщут, в горе забудут (B), Пироги со стола, друзья со двора (П), Скатерть со стола, и дружба сплыла (C)
• It takes years to make a friend, but minutes to lose one - Легче друга потерять, чем найти (Л)
• It takes years to make a friend, but you can lose one in an hour - Легче друга потерять, чем найти (Л)
• Make new friends but keep the old /, for one is silver and the other is gold/ - Новых друзей наживай, а старых не теряй (H)
• Many acquaintances, but few friends - Друзей-то много, да друга нет (Д)
• Many kinsfolk, few friends - Хоть родной, да злой (X)
• New things are the best things, but old friends are the best friends - Вещь хороша, пока новая, а друг - когда старый (B)
• Old fish, old oil and an old friend are best - Вещь хороша, пока новая, а друг - когда старый (B)
• Old friends and old wine /and old gold/ are best - Вещь хороша, пока новая, а друг - когда старый (B)
• Old friends are better than new ones - Старый друг лучше новых двух (C)
• One old friend is better than two new - Старый друг лучше новых двух (C)
• Reconciled friend is a double enemy (A) - Замиренный друг ненадежен (3)
• They are rich who have true friends - Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей (H)
• То have a friend, be one - За дружбу дружбой платят (3)
• То keep a new friend, never break with the old - Новых друзей наживай, а старых не теряй (H)
• Treacherous friend is the most dangerous enemy (A) - Друг до поры - тот же недруг (Д)
• When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow - Друга иметь - себя не жалеть (Д)
• When fortune frowns, friends are few - Скатерть со стола, и дружба сплыла (C)
• When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing - В радости сыщут, в горе забудут (B)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "FRIEND" в других словарях:

  • friend — W1S1 [frend] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(person you like)¦ 2 be friends (with somebody) 3 4 be just (good) friends 5¦(supporter)¦ 6¦(not an enemy)¦ 7¦(parliament/court of law)¦ 8 be no friend of something 9 Friend …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • friend — [ frend ] noun *** 1. ) count someone you know well and like that is not a member of your family: She s visiting friends in Illinois. close/good/great friend: Helga is a close friend of mine. friends and relatives/neighbors/acquaintances: We… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Friend — (fr[e^]nd), n. [OR. frend, freond, AS. fre[ o]nd, prop. p. pr. of fre[ o]n, fre[ o]gan, to love; akin to D. vriend friend, OS. friund friend, friohan to love, OHG. friunt friend, G. freund, Icel. fr[ae]ndi kinsman, Sw. fr[ a]nde. Goth.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Friend — (englisch für Freund) steht für Friend (Klettergerät), spezielles Klemmgerät, eine wiederentfernbare Klettersicherung, die in Rissen, Spalten und Öffnungen im Fels verankert wird. Friend ist der Familienname folgender Personen: George Friend (*… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • friend´li|ly — friend|ly «FREHND lee», adjective. li|er, li|est, adverb, noun, plural lies. –adj. 1. of a friend; having the attitude of a friend; kind: »a friendly teacher. 2. like a friend; like that of a fr …   Useful english dictionary

  • friend|ly — «FREHND lee», adjective. li|er, li|est, adverb, noun, plural lies. –adj. 1. of a friend; having the attitude of a friend; kind: »a friendly teacher. 2. like a friend; like that of a fr …   Useful english dictionary

  • friend — [frend] n. [ME frend < OE freond, friend, lover, akin to Ger freund, prp. of Gmc * frijon, to love (> OE freon): for IE base see FREE] 1. a person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance 2. a person on the …   English World dictionary

  • friend — friend, acquaintance, intimate, confidant are comparable when they designate a person, especially not related by blood, with whom one is on good and, usually, familiar terms. Friend, in its application, ranges from a person who is not hostile or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • friend — ► NOUN 1) a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations. 2) a familiar or helpful thing. 3) a person who supports a particular cause or organization. 4) (Friend) a Quaker. ● a friend… …   English terms dictionary

  • Friend — Friend, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Friended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Friending}.] To act as the friend of; to favor; to countenance; to befriend. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Fortune friends the bold. Spenser. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • friend — I noun acquaintance, adherent, advocate, ally, associate, backer, benefactor, cohort, colleague, companion, comrade, confidant, confederate, confrere, crony, defender, faithful companion, favorer, friend in need, partisan, partner, patron,… …   Law dictionary

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